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PLEASE: Don't send us book proposals by mail or email. Use only the form below. We cannot and will not answer, if you send us proposals by regular mail or by email.

Do you want to publish your book with us? Here are our terms: Please do not send your entire book manuscript unless we ask you to.  We will contact you within 3-4 weeks if we decide to publish your book.

We publish novels, poetry books, short stories, academic books — i.e. fiction and nonfiction. Please do not send us emails or entire manuscripts. Send us information about yourself and your manuscript by using the form below. 

Mondial is a small publisher and cannot offer all the benefits of a big publishing company...

...but we are a serious small publisher and will NOT ask you for money for the printing and distribution of your book.

We are only asking for a small, one-time administrative fee of $10 to be paid during the submission of the entry form below. This helps us cover the cost for reading, discussing, and storing your submission.

Our process: If we decide to contact you and ask for the entire manuscript, ...

  • ...we will carefully read your manuscript; if we find it interesting, we will print, publish, and distribute it worldwide (perfect bound - paperback);

  • ...we will decide about format, design, price;

  • ...we will discuss with you the editing and layout process;

  • ...we will send you five free copies of the finished book;

  • ...give all local bookstores access to your book by including it in the listings and catalog of the US book wholesale company Ingram and other reselling channels in the US, Europe, and the world;

  • ...if your book is in English, we may also publish it as eBooks on Amazon Kindle, Google Play Books, Nook (Barnes & Noble), iBooks (Apple) and with other eBook providers.

  • ...give you 10% royalty of the selling price of each book copy sold (selling price = the price the book is sold by Mondial to wholesalers or other resellers);

  • ...and if you wish to have more copies of your book, we will sell you the book for two thirds of the list price.


If you agree to the terms and conditions above, please click on this link to continue the process. Book Proposals.